The Aqua Phi your Science Fiction Under Water Action Adventure Destination.

Take the journey into a nail biting, edge of your seat thriller, complete with romance, drama, suspense, and intrigue. Take the Aqua Phi voyage.

In the far distant future, when we had colonized space, there were those of us who remained loyal to the earth. But the earth was ruined because of our lust for power and so we built cities and took residence in them beneath the seas roiling waters. The Globe (the great underwater sphere city) is filled with excitement and hurrying about in preparation for this day. Even the sea itself and sea creatures seem to scurry around the globe in excitement. The wedding ceremony begins. Qualdor and Sunny meet each other on stage and the minister begins, he ask Sunny to repeat after him and she answers his question by answering, “I do”. Qualdor repeats after the minister, and when Qualdor opens his mouth to answer, a loud sound boom rocks the Globe. Screams and shrills fill the air, panic replaces joy and happiness. From the stage, Qualdor looks at his father and his mother for answers. They in turn stare about hoping that their glare spots the cause of the blast. When Sunny gathers herself enough to see her parents from her position onstage, another blast erupts, causing the stage to fall and the ground quakes.

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What is The Aqua Phi?

Author Joel Salomon

Lynn University Director Weighs In

Lynn University Director Weighs In

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Author Joel Salomon

Lynn University Garden

Author Joel Salomon

Ronald The Artist at The Aqua Phi

Author Joel Salomon

Lynn University Fitness Center, Working Out Legs

Author Joel Salomon

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